As the people who read my blogs are aware we have started to use cloth instead of disposable. I was nervous but extremely excited the cute and beautiful looking nappies. So I thought I’d update you on how it’s going.
Miyah hasn’t had any sort of nappy rash since using, where she would get a tiny bit red and sore. We love the patterns and we have found that they last longer than disposable. They do make Miyahs bum look a bit like Kim K’s as she is still so dinky and small but I find it so cute!! Our first set of nappies we got of amazon are amazing, they are very absorbent and so easy to use, they fit her perfectly on the right snappers and the inserts are very soft.
We have also found that Miyah isn’t so emotional about her bum being changed anymore, she doesn’t cry and when she is undressed she doesn’t seem to get upset like before. I think this is down to the softness of the nappies and they’re not so rough on her bum.
we received some more nappies which where cheaper. As we are still in trial and error stage I thought it would be good to give it a go. The other nappies we received I don’t feel where as good. They are very thin and didn’t seem to last as long as the first I received. They didn’t have enough snappers to fit her so I think they may be better to use when she grows a bit. (Which I feel will be a long time!) the nappies are just plain solid colour and ones that I don’t mind waiting to use.
I do still plan on buying more. I can’t resist the beautiful designs on some.
I am in no way promoting or reviewing for amazon the nappies I wrote about. These opinions are my own.
Thank you for reading x
Becca x
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